It’s day 10 of the Daniel Plan and I’m having a hard time.
For 8 straight days the scale went down…sometimes no more than .2 lbs but .2
lbs down is still .2 lbs not on my body, right? Well, yesterday and today my
weight is back up. I know I should base my self-worth on my weight and in my
head, I’m mentally smacking myself for even giving into this feeling, but…I’m
trying to be honest with myself and I honestly feel like a failure.
So, trying to be honest AND logical about the whole deal, I
know I didn’t drink enough water this weekend and I know that yesterday’s meal
at Don Tellos was a total bust. But to know that I would eat nasty, awful,
bad/bad/bad/bad/bad stuff all the time and my weight would s-l-o-w-l-y creep up
and then I have two days where I don’t drink water and have ONE bad meal and I
pork on almost 2 pounds? The bad angel is screaming at me “give up.” I’m not
going to because my good angel also has a chorus with the names of Kim and
Barbie telling me to hang in there. All the same…
So during yesterday’s Bible study, we took on the Essential
of Food. So timely because we were all feeling pretty badly about lunch. I also
need to keep my eye on the Fitness Essential because I’m not doing well with
that at all. And that frustrates me to no end. Yesterday, my brother-in-law
posted a picture of my sisters and I from two summers ago on Facebook. That’s when
I’d lost almost 30 lbs and was walking 2-3 miles a day and loving (well,
putting up with) exercise. You would think it would spur me on to trying to be
better, but it doesn’t. I’m sitting here trying not to cry because I’m so
frustrated with myself.
So what’s the best thing to do when you are feeling down?
Help someone else and find something to make you smile. I just came back from
helping someone and that did nothing for me. (I’m such a putz.) Laughter next: I’m trying to
remember the Bible study yesterday and Kim’s little sweetie grunting out her
BM. Jo was sitting next to her and suddenly blurted out, “It that smell all
Gloria?!” So much for teaching my child manners and the fine art of subtlety.
The room dissolved into laughter, we paused the Bible study DVD, Kim took the
baby to change her and Jo went to find some Lysol. As Meg, Barbie and I are
sitting around giggling about what took place, the next thing you know, Kim’s
in the doorway. I don’t even listen to what she’s saying because she’s got
Gloria with her feet in one hand and raised up and her other hand holding the
baby up. We can see that she’s oozed out one of the legholes. Then she turns
and walks in the other room. I’m dying laughing and remember other instances of
baby blow-outs I’ve experienced when Barbie says, “I think she needs to some
help.” (which is what Kim had said, but I was too busy laughing to process.)
Off we go to the rescue. That child had it all over. We laughed until we cried.
I still dissolve into giggles when I think about Kim coming to the door with
Gloria hanging upside down (and Gloria with the biggest grin on her face).
And that reminds me why I’m doing this thing with my girls
and with my friends. Because they can make me laugh and bring me out of the
doldrums even when they aren’t around!
And, to top it all off, Kenny’s taking the dogs out for
their morning walk for another week for me!!! Score!
So now that I’m back to my happier self, let me report in on
Day 7’s dinner and Day 8 & Day 9 (if I can remember that far!)
Day 7’s Chicken Walnut Pesto dinner was fabulous! I mean,
really nummy. I will make that again in a heartbeat. We had brown rice and
roasted yellow squash for the sides.
Day 8 I made a blueberry/banana/flax seed smoothie for
breakfast and had leftover Chicken Walnut Pesto and sides for lunch. For dinner
we went to Applebees and I ordered the grilled Oriental Salad without the
crunchy noodles. I asked for the oriental vinaigrette on the side and good
thing because that thing wasn’t clear…it was opague and when I tasted it, lots
of sugar there! I enjoyed the salad anyhow.
Day 9 I made another blueberry/banana smoothie (didn’t do
the flax seed cuz I didn’t want to burp my way through church). Here’s where it
fell apart. We went to Don Tellos for lunch and we convinced ourselves that the
corn tortilla chips and salsa were okay to eat. And then I bulldozed my way
through a couple baskets of it. I ordered Nachos Grande without the cheese or
sour cream. Then we went to Bible study and we all agreed that the chips were
probably not Daniel Plan okay. We were all feeling sluggish and guilty (except,
perhaps, Johanna. I think she was okay with the slip.) So…oops! Anyhow, I was
so full that I didn’t eat any dinner except munch on some nuts.
Day 10 started out with no ripe bananas so I made a tropical
smoothie with some frozen pineapple, strawberry, mango fruit, coconut milk and
protein powder. It was okay. It was kind of flavorless, to tell the truth. I
think it suffered for not having the banana. Anyhow, since I need to stock up
on groceries but waited since TODAY’S THE LAST DAY OF THE DETOX!!!, I have a
weird lunch. I have leftover yellow squash and rice, some blackberries, and
celery with natural peanut butter (9 g of protein in 2 tbs, no sugar). Tonight
I’m going to marinate beef chunks in the balsamic vinaigrette and sauté them,
and more brown rice and roast more zucchini. Gotta do it quick when I get home
because I have a meeting at 5:30 and one following it at 6:30. Gack! Hoping to
have enough leftovers for Meg, Jo and I for Tuesday lunch!!
Also, I’m down 5 lbs and my waist dropped a half inch over
the past 10 days.