Saturday found us driving up to the gates and parking about a mile away from the Ark. When you think life-size ark, you really have no clue. Even a mile away, that thing looked massive.
So we get on the Ark-tram and it takes us to the ark.
Dang. That's really all I can say!

Once inside, you forget that you are in a replicated boat. It just feels like a building. But there are a lot of displays and videos and such throughout. We could have spent more time there but...Labor Day=people. And people? Don't got much sense. We found out later that there were 6000 others at the Ark with us. The bulk of them acted like that they were completely unaware that there were other people in the room and would stop suddenly, wander around, and/or change direction all without looking first. It was bizarre and it was a lot to deal with CONSTANTLY. We'd lose one group and then find ourselves in the midst of another.
Anyhow, our feet felt like we walked the walk and after driving up from Georgia the day before my body did, too. We went to the 4D theater thinking that might give us some time to refresh and regroup, but, no. We decided to call it a day but before we left the grounds I took a picture of Hubby standing in front of the ark to give some perspective. H-U-G-E. How Noah and his sons built that is beyond the scope of my mind.

So, we got some lunch and went back to the hotel where I took a needed nap and Hubby watched the Bulldogs.
The next day we headed down the interstate and checked out the Creation Museum (also from the Answers in Genesis people). Again, it was insanely beautiful and well-done and also packed full of people who had not practiced their company manners in awhile.
I'd love to go back to both places when we have more time (and there were less people to contend with). The Ark Encounter has plans for additions to their campus that I'm interested in seeing the results of. We saw a huge amphitheater that was going up and some of the other plans.
Definitely would like a do-over. BUT I'm glad we went. It was fun to be able to jump in the car and go somewhere (thanks to Meg being able to watch the fur-babies). For most of our married life there were always kid or church (or kid and church) obligations. We'd watch others take off on adventures while we held down the fort. So now we're taking advantage of this time in our lives to have a few of our own!