The last post was a week before Little Man's 1st birthday and this one is two days after his second. If I'm going to do this, I really need to make more of an effort, yes?
So what's behind this latest "I must start blogging again" surge of interest? One of my friends just started up a blog ( if you are interested) and it kinda made me think how much I like to look back on my old posts. My memory is pretty spotty (hence the cruddy blogging schedule) so some of these posts remind me of times gone by that I wouldn't have remembered otherwise.
One of my daughters was awarded a Fulbright grant and is teaching in Honduras for 10 months. She's blogging about her experience ( so why shouldn't dear old mom? But then, what does dear old mom have to say?
Last post last year was about us joining our new church. A year later and we are praying over a return to Bethel. Our hearts want to be at Bethel, both for the friends and family we have there and for the sense of belonging and purpose we have there that we don't have at our new church. But what does God want for us? We're trying not to turn our decision into a pro and con thing (cuz of that whole His ways are not our ways thing) but into a prayer thing. We've been gone from services at the new church for a whole month. K. told Bethel leadership that he'd help them out by leading worship for three weeks to give them the time they needed to look around for a new worship leader (they recently asked their senior pastor to step down and the worship/youth pastor chose to follow). Then this past Sunday we went on a weekend cruise with the Flanagans. In our talks about the situation with each other, we've given a deadline of sorts for this coming Sunday to be the Sunday we make our decision. We're hoping that going back to our current church after some time away, that when we worship together with the current church family, we'll have some kind of knowing of what we need to do. Right now, K has stepped down from playing piano with the worship team to lessen the pressure and load on his plate so that he can pray with a clear mind over it and not with the frustrations that come from being a leader and experienced instrumentalist trying to fit into the paradigm that have been set by the worship leader and pastor at our current church.
Probably enough babbling for now. I wonder when next we'll meet!
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Friday, February 15, 2019
Worst blogger...ever
How in the world am I supposed to have a record of my life in blog when I apparently am the worst blogger ever?
Anyhow, big news for us: we joined a new church. That poor pastor had to watch me completely lose it during service. He knew I was having a hard time leaving Bethel and I'd blubbered on him weeks before over this fact. He also knew that we'd made our decision to join the church and he was going to call us up after the sermon to announce it to the church and have us remake our confession of faith. But then I got a text from Meg. One of the little ones at Bethel asked where I was. I don't know why that struck me so hard, but it did. I know in my mind that even if we went back to Bethel, that things would never be the same (not that they were wonderful, mind you). But my heart aches for the things I've lost: being with those specific kids, seeing G. after church running around with her friends, checking in on our senior saints, worshipping not just with my friends but with people I truly consider family, singing with F., knowing that what I did during the week made a difference to the environment people worshipped in. Plus I miss being a pastor's wife. Isn't that silly? But I miss feeling like I "belonged."
It probably didn't help that the Saturday before was RH's funeral and I was there at Bethel making sure tissues were available and things were ready. I was a go-to person to ask questions and making decisions on things. Then Sunday I was just me. A nobody that made no difference to anyone and back to just being a number in the weekly count. I don't like that feeling. Makes me think, though, if I'm not enough just being me...than I probably was never enough with the other things.
Geez. That's deep.
In other news, Baby Boy turns one in a week and change! He is the most adorable and smartest baby ever. I need to plan more baby time. I've put a lot of money in that stupid Happy Planner. I need to use it! Dad-blast it!
Anyhow, big news for us: we joined a new church. That poor pastor had to watch me completely lose it during service. He knew I was having a hard time leaving Bethel and I'd blubbered on him weeks before over this fact. He also knew that we'd made our decision to join the church and he was going to call us up after the sermon to announce it to the church and have us remake our confession of faith. But then I got a text from Meg. One of the little ones at Bethel asked where I was. I don't know why that struck me so hard, but it did. I know in my mind that even if we went back to Bethel, that things would never be the same (not that they were wonderful, mind you). But my heart aches for the things I've lost: being with those specific kids, seeing G. after church running around with her friends, checking in on our senior saints, worshipping not just with my friends but with people I truly consider family, singing with F., knowing that what I did during the week made a difference to the environment people worshipped in. Plus I miss being a pastor's wife. Isn't that silly? But I miss feeling like I "belonged."
It probably didn't help that the Saturday before was RH's funeral and I was there at Bethel making sure tissues were available and things were ready. I was a go-to person to ask questions and making decisions on things. Then Sunday I was just me. A nobody that made no difference to anyone and back to just being a number in the weekly count. I don't like that feeling. Makes me think, though, if I'm not enough just being me...than I probably was never enough with the other things.
Geez. That's deep.
In other news, Baby Boy turns one in a week and change! He is the most adorable and smartest baby ever. I need to plan more baby time. I've put a lot of money in that stupid Happy Planner. I need to use it! Dad-blast it!
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
We had an Ark Encounter
Labor Day weekend was this past weekend so about a month ago when we were looking ahead at the calendar (if you know us, you know what a complete SHOCK this is) Hubby thought we should go to Maggie Valley. Why? Because some people he knew went and said how much they loved it. I was ambivalent. We'd had the same "I love that place/it's my favorite city" reaction from people when we went to New Orleans a couple years ago and we were less than impressed. Different strokes for different folks (or Stokes, as it were). Anyhow, my brain kicked in and I realized that Kenny's birthday was just a couple days after Labor Day so we ought to go someplace he REALLY wanted to go: the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, KY. So Friday we packed up the car and we moved to Beverly...well, we packed up the car and drove to Kentucky, actually. I really watch too much TV.
Saturday found us driving up to the gates and parking about a mile away from the Ark. When you think life-size ark, you really have no clue. Even a mile away, that thing looked massive.
So we get on the Ark-tram and it takes us to the ark.
Dang. That's really all I can say!

Once inside, you forget that you are in a replicated boat. It just feels like a building. But there are a lot of displays and videos and such throughout. We could have spent more time there but...Labor Day=people. And people? Don't got much sense. We found out later that there were 6000 others at the Ark with us. The bulk of them acted like that they were completely unaware that there were other people in the room and would stop suddenly, wander around, and/or change direction all without looking first. It was bizarre and it was a lot to deal with CONSTANTLY. We'd lose one group and then find ourselves in the midst of another.
Anyhow, our feet felt like we walked the walk and after driving up from Georgia the day before my body did, too. We went to the 4D theater thinking that might give us some time to refresh and regroup, but, no. We decided to call it a day but before we left the grounds I took a picture of Hubby standing in front of the ark to give some perspective. H-U-G-E. How Noah and his sons built that is beyond the scope of my mind.

So, we got some lunch and went back to the hotel where I took a needed nap and Hubby watched the Bulldogs.
The next day we headed down the interstate and checked out the Creation Museum (also from the Answers in Genesis people). Again, it was insanely beautiful and well-done and also packed full of people who had not practiced their company manners in awhile.
I'd love to go back to both places when we have more time (and there were less people to contend with). The Ark Encounter has plans for additions to their campus that I'm interested in seeing the results of. We saw a huge amphitheater that was going up and some of the other plans.
Definitely would like a do-over. BUT I'm glad we went. It was fun to be able to jump in the car and go somewhere (thanks to Meg being able to watch the fur-babies). For most of our married life there were always kid or church (or kid and church) obligations. We'd watch others take off on adventures while we held down the fort. So now we're taking advantage of this time in our lives to have a few of our own!
Saturday found us driving up to the gates and parking about a mile away from the Ark. When you think life-size ark, you really have no clue. Even a mile away, that thing looked massive.
So we get on the Ark-tram and it takes us to the ark.
Dang. That's really all I can say!

Once inside, you forget that you are in a replicated boat. It just feels like a building. But there are a lot of displays and videos and such throughout. We could have spent more time there but...Labor Day=people. And people? Don't got much sense. We found out later that there were 6000 others at the Ark with us. The bulk of them acted like that they were completely unaware that there were other people in the room and would stop suddenly, wander around, and/or change direction all without looking first. It was bizarre and it was a lot to deal with CONSTANTLY. We'd lose one group and then find ourselves in the midst of another.
Anyhow, our feet felt like we walked the walk and after driving up from Georgia the day before my body did, too. We went to the 4D theater thinking that might give us some time to refresh and regroup, but, no. We decided to call it a day but before we left the grounds I took a picture of Hubby standing in front of the ark to give some perspective. H-U-G-E. How Noah and his sons built that is beyond the scope of my mind.

So, we got some lunch and went back to the hotel where I took a needed nap and Hubby watched the Bulldogs.
The next day we headed down the interstate and checked out the Creation Museum (also from the Answers in Genesis people). Again, it was insanely beautiful and well-done and also packed full of people who had not practiced their company manners in awhile.
I'd love to go back to both places when we have more time (and there were less people to contend with). The Ark Encounter has plans for additions to their campus that I'm interested in seeing the results of. We saw a huge amphitheater that was going up and some of the other plans.
Definitely would like a do-over. BUT I'm glad we went. It was fun to be able to jump in the car and go somewhere (thanks to Meg being able to watch the fur-babies). For most of our married life there were always kid or church (or kid and church) obligations. We'd watch others take off on adventures while we held down the fort. So now we're taking advantage of this time in our lives to have a few of our own!
Monday, September 3, 2018
Catching up...again
Welcome to 2018, blog-o-mine! In my head, it's been a few short months since I checked in, but cream of cheddar, it's actually been three years! What the heck? So...quick update:
K3...Kenny graduated from Point University with a degree in Music-production emphasis married a beautiful, funny, smart young lady named Shaniqua. They have the most adorable 6-month old baby and live nearby. Kenny works as a video production technician and Shaniqua is an attendance secretary.
Lorie...Lorie graduated from American University with a dual major in International Studies and Economics. She lives in DC and works for a nonprofit.
Meagan...Meg was accepted into a nursing program at one of our state universities. She recently became engaged to her Prince Charming. They are looking at a fall 2020 wedding.
Johanna...JoJo spent two months this summer interning with Mision Caribe in Honduras. She is now in Ecuador for a semester abroad. She is working on a dual major in International Relations and Spanish. She'll begin her senior year next semester thanks to good AP scores and Dual Enrollment classes.
Hubby...Ken is working on his second master's degree. This one is in IT through the University of Liverpool.
Me...I'm not doing much of anything. How sad. I've got no children at home (with the exception of Meg on weekends), no studies, no volunteer work, and no church family, but I feel like I'm busier than ever. How'd that happen? Dang. Gotta work on that.
Maybe, just maybe I can use this blog to work that out. case you are wondering. No, I'm not still eating the Daniel Plan way and yes, I'm getting as big as a house, thank you very much and no, not going to do the Daniel Plan again.
K3...Kenny graduated from Point University with a degree in Music-production emphasis married a beautiful, funny, smart young lady named Shaniqua. They have the most adorable 6-month old baby and live nearby. Kenny works as a video production technician and Shaniqua is an attendance secretary.
Lorie...Lorie graduated from American University with a dual major in International Studies and Economics. She lives in DC and works for a nonprofit.
Meagan...Meg was accepted into a nursing program at one of our state universities. She recently became engaged to her Prince Charming. They are looking at a fall 2020 wedding.
Johanna...JoJo spent two months this summer interning with Mision Caribe in Honduras. She is now in Ecuador for a semester abroad. She is working on a dual major in International Relations and Spanish. She'll begin her senior year next semester thanks to good AP scores and Dual Enrollment classes.
Hubby...Ken is working on his second master's degree. This one is in IT through the University of Liverpool.
Me...I'm not doing much of anything. How sad. I've got no children at home (with the exception of Meg on weekends), no studies, no volunteer work, and no church family, but I feel like I'm busier than ever. How'd that happen? Dang. Gotta work on that.
Maybe, just maybe I can use this blog to work that out. case you are wondering. No, I'm not still eating the Daniel Plan way and yes, I'm getting as big as a house, thank you very much and no, not going to do the Daniel Plan again.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Daniel Plan TTTC...Day 3 and Day 4
The turkey meatloaf on day 2 was not bad. Forgot when I menu
planned about the bread I usually put in meatloaf. So I guess technically I
actually made flavored meat and not meatloaf. We made broccoli and cauliflower
as sides. Meg and I took a quick 1-mile walk in the neighborhood. Go us.
Day 3
Thursday I stayed in bed 15 minutes longer than I should
have and paid greatly for that poor choice. Dinner yesterday beef stew (I'm used
the purple potatoes...nothing like spooning up gray potatoes!!!) that I put in
the crockpot since it was Daniel Plan night and I wanted to workout after work.
The girls had also had about enough with the breakfast smoothies so I’d told
them I'd make eggs and bacon. I put the turkey bacon in the oven while I
started chopping vegetables. So there I am in the kitchen, checking out the
clock, chopping vegetables, keeping one eye on the turkey bacon in the oven and
realizing that I still need to pack my gym clothes AND my lunch and that there
is no time to make eggs. I'm about to start in on a MAJOR pity party when Meg
stumbled into the kitchen and said, "Bacon!" grabbed a piece and then
stumbled into the bathroom. Johanna then popped around the corner with a surprised
look on her face and said, "Mom! You made bacon! How sweet!" ... so I
started giggling and instantly my attitude totally changed. I still had to pack
my gym clothes and my lunch but then I was doing it with a chuckle. I let the
girls know that I didn't have time for eggs, grab a banana for my breakfast and
out the door I went.
Surprisingly, after I ate my banana and a handful of almonds
I wasn’t hungry until almost 1 pm! I had a wonky moment with my salad at lunch
when a piece of lettuce got caught on the edge of my bowl and when it sprung
free, it splurted a drop of balsamic vinaigrette into my eye! Not pleasant!
I did bring my clothes with me but once I found out Meg was
going to go home, I chose to instead of working out, going to the church and
doing some much needed cleaning and organizing of the SKC room.
The second session for the Daniel Plan group study went
well. Thirteen of us plus Johanna and Gloria in the other room. Lots of laughs
and sharing, which I love. I know I need to work on eating according to the
Daniel Plate and I need to be more determined at carrying out my exercise plan.
Day 3
Breakfast: banana
Mid-morning snack: almonds
Lunch: mixed green salad with grilled chicken, sunflower seeds and
homemade balsamic vinaigrette
Dinner: Beef stew
Day 4
Breakfast: Smoothie (1/2 cup water blended with big handful of kale and
spinach, scoop of protein powder, cup of
raspberries/strawberries/blueberries/blackberries, banana, almond milk)
Lunch: Beef stew
Dinner: Dr. Hyman’s Walnut-Basil Pesto Chicken. Not sure about the
veggies. Zucchini or asparagus.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
The re-start of the same adventure...Daniel Plan TTTC
Here I go…AGAIN. I’m going through the Daniel Plan group
study for my third time. The first time I blogged about it, it was just the
Daniel Plan. Second time was Daniel Plan Part Deux. This adventure I shall name
Daniel Plan TTTC (third time’s the charm).
It’s not that the Daniel Plan doesn’t work. It does. But it
doesn’t work if you don’t do it. I do fairly well during the study time and 40
days of eating but afterward, when I don’t have the boundaries set up, that’s
when the yucky eating sneaks in. So having a plan for keeping on the Plan after
the boundaries of the group study and 40 days are over is what’s going to make
it or break it for me.
We met for the first of the six group studies last Thursday.
We had 8 people show up and I had emails from people who forgot, had a bad day,
didn’t want to get out in the yucky, cold, drizzly mess that was last Thursday.
I think we’ll have 12-14 people involved, which will make for some lively
My family started our 40 days yesterday. I needed time to
get the pantry in order and to grocery shop and time had just passed me by in
the weeks leading up to the first session. Meg and I worked a miracle at the
house and threw away a LOT of expired stuff and bagged up a lot of non-DP (not Daniel
Plan okay) foods to take to the church to give away. Let’s just say that after
1.5 days of the detox (first 10 days are no gluten, no dairy, no sugar, no
caffeine on top of the regular whole foods/no processed/no artificial sweetener
foods Daniel Plan thing), I’m over it. Sorry. That’s a pretty cruddy attitude
but I am. At the very least I’m ready to not be on the detox because this girl
is HUNGRY!! I know that I’m not doing well with eating according to the Daniel
Plan Plate (50% non-starchy vegetables, 25% lean protein, 25% starchy
veggie/whole grain and a low-glycemic fruit) and that’s probably my biggest
problem and the reason why I’m so blasted hungry. So I’ll work on that and see
if that helps keep me full.
Day 1
Breakfast: Smoothie:
raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, banana, a couple handfuls of spinach/kale, a
cup of coconut water, scoop of protein powder.
Mid-morning snack: almonds
Lunch: salad of mixed greens
with grilled chicken, homemade balsamic vinaigrette
Dinner: Salsa chicken
(chicken breast baked with homemade taco seasoning and salsa) and corn (no
non-starchy veggie…bad!)
Snack: air-popped popcorn
Exercise: Week 4,
Day 1 of Couch to 5K plan. 5min warmup walk, 3 min jog, 90 sec recovery walk, 5
min jog, 2.5 min recovery walk, 3 min jog, 90 sec recovery walk, 5 min jog, 5
min cooldown walk.
Day 2
Breakfast: Smoothie: Jamba Juice Green
Fusion smoothie mix (and, dang it, I didn’t read the ingredients this morning
and just found out that it has stinkin’ sugar in it! So much for the shortcut!)
with coconut water, protein powder and 1 T of Chia seed
Mid-morning snack: organic mixed nuts
Lunch: Turkey wraps (turkey wrapped in
romaine lettuce with some mustard), apple
Dinner: Meatloaf made with ground
turkey, broccoli and not sure what else
Exercise: not sure
How long
until I can eat my lunch?
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
The start of a new adventure
So I’ve been pretty quiet on the blogging front these days.
Some because I don’t think about it. Some because I’m a little embarrassed
about not sticking to the Daniel Plan. Some because I don’t have much to write
about. However, yesterday I embarked (that’s a serious word, “embarked.” Makes
you know something major is about to be announced.) on a new adventure. I’m calling
it “the great smoothie experiment.” As of right now, not sure how long this experiment
will last.
Background: Meg’s been having aches and pains now for, well,
it seems like forever. We’ve moved up the chain of command, medically-speaking,
but can’t get her seen by a pediatric rheumatologist until March. So until
then, we are trying some home remedies. Her drum major coach thought getting
more greens in her diet wouldn’t hurt so we are trying some green smoothies. We
decided to try this adventure together since I need to get back to eating
better and since I get up before her, I said I’d be in charge of being Smoothie
Maker. She looked up some different recipes and we decided on one that we
thought might not taste too disgusting bad. We went to the store and
picked up our supplies.
Monday: Monday’s green smoothie was made from 1 frozen
banana, 5 frozen strawberries, 1/3 honeycrisp apple, 2 handfuls of baby
kale/baby spinach combo, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 cup of coconut wate and ½ of
a lime wedge. It blended up into a delicate green color. It tasted…okay. It
wasn’t the worst thing I’ve ever tasted but I’m certainly not gonna jump out of
bed and bounce into the kitchen because I can’t WAIT to drink this smoothie!
There was a bit of a bitter taste that I figure came from the lime rind.
Apparently I was supposed to peel the lime, but that bit of info didn’t get
communicated to me. One problem we ran into was that Meg looked up the recipe
but didn’t forward the link to me, so I kinda put it together based on our
conversation. Got a laugh out of Meg when we figured out what happened.
However, it did keep me pretty full. I had a handful of almonds mid-morning,
but that was more because I had the munchies and was trying to keep myself away
from the chocolate jar.
Tuesday: Found out that Meg isn’t a big fan of the banana.
Who knew?! So this morning I attempted a non-banana smoothie. Today’s
not-so-green smoothie was made up of 2 handfuls of baby kale/baby spinach, 5
frozen strawberries, about a ½ cup of frozen blueberries, 1 scoop of protein
powder and 1 cup of coconut water. It blended into a pretty purple color. It
was, well, tart. I think I needed some apple or something in there to help it
out. Again, not the worst thing in the world, but I won’t make it again,
especially since I was hungry by 8:30. L
I’ve been looking up smoothie recipes and think I’ll add
chia seed or flax to tomorrow’s smoothie to see if I can get to lunch without being
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