The last post was a week before Little Man's 1st birthday and this one is two days after his second. If I'm going to do this, I really need to make more of an effort, yes?
So what's behind this latest "I must start blogging again" surge of interest? One of my friends just started up a blog ( if you are interested) and it kinda made me think how much I like to look back on my old posts. My memory is pretty spotty (hence the cruddy blogging schedule) so some of these posts remind me of times gone by that I wouldn't have remembered otherwise.
One of my daughters was awarded a Fulbright grant and is teaching in Honduras for 10 months. She's blogging about her experience ( so why shouldn't dear old mom? But then, what does dear old mom have to say?
Last post last year was about us joining our new church. A year later and we are praying over a return to Bethel. Our hearts want to be at Bethel, both for the friends and family we have there and for the sense of belonging and purpose we have there that we don't have at our new church. But what does God want for us? We're trying not to turn our decision into a pro and con thing (cuz of that whole His ways are not our ways thing) but into a prayer thing. We've been gone from services at the new church for a whole month. K. told Bethel leadership that he'd help them out by leading worship for three weeks to give them the time they needed to look around for a new worship leader (they recently asked their senior pastor to step down and the worship/youth pastor chose to follow). Then this past Sunday we went on a weekend cruise with the Flanagans. In our talks about the situation with each other, we've given a deadline of sorts for this coming Sunday to be the Sunday we make our decision. We're hoping that going back to our current church after some time away, that when we worship together with the current church family, we'll have some kind of knowing of what we need to do. Right now, K has stepped down from playing piano with the worship team to lessen the pressure and load on his plate so that he can pray with a clear mind over it and not with the frustrations that come from being a leader and experienced instrumentalist trying to fit into the paradigm that have been set by the worship leader and pastor at our current church.
Probably enough babbling for now. I wonder when next we'll meet!
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