Hee...I keep typing "blag" instead of "blog." I don't know why that makes me giggle, but it does, so there you go. Today was amazingly rough...I wish I knew why. No one fussed at me, no parents pulled any stunts, no teachers got snotty...it was just a lot of questions and a lot of stuff to do. I am the school secretary at an elementary school and take care of attendance, enrolling/withdrawals, scheduling, students files. And the visitors. Joy. Anyhow, I ended the day laughing with the bookkeeper and principal, so I guess that was good. Plus, it's a 3-day weekend, nothing to sneeze at with that! I'm going to go in tomorrow for a couple hours just to finish up some loose ends that will only take me a couple hours with no one bothering me vs. all day long with teachers and students mucking up the process!
And joy of joys, American Idol starts tonight! All is right with the world.
Enjoy your long weekend! I've accidentally filled mine with playdates. Those are still new to me, so I'm still working out the etiquette!
Kick back and enjoy American Idol!
Well, I'm just irritated because AI didn't start on Friday. I don't know why I thought it did. So I basically went to sleep. I spent Saturday in bed all morning (love, love, love that) and then went in to school for about 3 hours to get on top of some stuff that it would have taken me all day to do with interruptions.
Lorie's having a Harry Potter party with a couple of her friends. They are playing HP Scene It and then watching the movies. One friend has to leave at 9, the other is going to spend the night.
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