Monday, November 26, 2007

Back in the saddle again

One word...ugh! This morning was back to business as usual with school being back in session. Let me tell you, I argued long and hard with my alarm clock and it won! I got my body clock all out of whack over the Break and ended up irritated with myself at 12:30 am when I STILL wasn't asleep, only to be even more irritated when the stupid alarm rang at 5:30! Needless to say I spent much of the day trying to remember to be "perky" to be in keeping with this family-friendly office environment I'm trying to work on since so many people were complaining about me. (Now, in my defense, the 5 or so complaints came from people who would have complained if Perfect Patty was in the office. They didn't like that I was asking them to follow county policy and complained to county office to be buttheads!! Not because I was "bad" to them!) Anyhow, I'm so perky and friendly now, I irritate the fool out of myself! But ah, well, thems the grapes. Actually I don't think that the correct phrase, but I can't come up with it just now. So there you go.

I also had the unfortunate problem of being gassy for some reason today. I think it was all the black beans I ate over the Break (don't ask. I got a hankering for a corn/black bean salad the technology teacher made one time and so I made some!) Anyhow, I was extremely uncomfortable all day being that the bathroom I use is right off the staff workroom and since the workroom was busy all day, and I'm quite private by nature, I wasn't really comfortable, er, working off the gas. However, now that I'm home things are feeling better. Hee hee.

Tomorrow Jeanmarie will be out which means probably a pretty sucky day for me! Blech!

1 comment:

lbhaney said...

Oh man - I'm not sure anyone can be perky and gassy at the same risk burping in someone's face!

Don't let the poople get you down - and we both know that isn't a typo!