My dear sweet middle child. The one I used to call "doe-di-doe" because she just went along with the flow. She's killing me. Seriously. In the mornings as we drive to school, the radio station we listen to has a thing called "the Jr. Joker" where kids call in and tell a joke. Every day it's the same. We'll be driving down the road, the Jr. Joker will come on and tell the joke and then beat...beat...beat and you'll hear an "oh!" and then quiet laughter out of Meg's corner of the car as she finally gets the punch line. And these aren't hard jokes, people. Today's was, "What do you say to the hammerhead shark after a test?" "I don't know, what DO you say to a hammerhead shark after a test?" "You really nailed it!"
Now I wish I could just leave it at that but in writing this post I couldn't remember what the joke was today so I went to the girls' rooms and asked Meg and Lorie if they remembered what the joke was and Meg's response was, "I don't remember it exactly but it had a hammerhead shark and a nail in it and it took me a really long time to get it."
'Nuff said!
Hey, at least she gets it !!! Who cares how long it takes !!!
Ha...that is funny. I love that her memory of the joke was made up of all the parts of the joke, but not the joke itself...what a sweetie.
She redeemed herself yesterday. The joke was, what does an island and the letter "T" have in common? The answer was: They are both surrounded by water! Because big Kenny has been having this fixation on having sweet tea in the house, when I heard T and water, my mind went right to the sweet tea issue and I said, outloud, that it didn't make sense since tea wasn't technically surrounded by water. Meagan got to explain that t was the middle letter of the word water. Score 1 Meagan.
Of course this morning's adventure wiped the slate clean. When I came out of my room to tell the girls to load up the car...they were all still in bed asleep! This meant that not only was I going to be late to work, but that the ride they catch to the middle school would be gone and I'd have to be even later to work since I'd have to take them to school. THEN after I dropped them off and was work getting out of the car, I found Meg's clothes and realized that if she had to spend the day in her dance practice clothes and jazz shoes, she'd be in ISS all I drove BACK to the middle school to bring her clothes to her!
Luckily the day didn't stay in the toilet. It didn't get that much better, but by then anything was an improvement!
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