Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sometimes seeing is believing

Okay, so the house is out of control. I don't think there is one area in the whole house that I wouldn't be embarrassed to have seen right now. (Yes, I can see how there would be an obvious question of why I'm sitting here blogging instead of cleaning my house, but I don't come out looking well in the answer so I'm going to choose to ignore that and move on.) So, as I'm traversing the Basement I step over something yet again but this time something in my brain says, "hmmm, something's not right." Now, the something not right isn't that I'm stepping over something again and not picking it up. That's another something not right and not part of the story. It's that I realize that there are no dolls or other things sitting around this something. I look at the "something" and realize that it is a shoebox top sitting on the carpet in the living room right in the path from the girls' area to the kitchen. I then notice it has writing on it. Apparently, they came across a bug. And instead of killing it with a shoe, they decide that the best course of action is to trap it and to leave a note. If you can't see it, it says, "Bug! (under this) Needs to be Killled. Meg and Jo" with an arrow pointing down.

No, I didn't lift up the box top to see if the bug was under the box top and yes, the box top is still sitting in the same spot I found it. Killing bugs is Man's Work.

1 comment:

lbhaney said...

this is my new favorite post of all time! I love the picture of the box top...and the fact that you left it there! HA!