"Tracy, where are you?"
"I'm on my way to Burger King to get dinner before Lorie's class."
"Kenny's had a little accident. Can you come get the girls? They're stuck in the car while I deal with it."
So off I drive to the "little accident" site. As I'm driving through the back roads of Conyers I can remember telling Lorie to keep an eye on the sides of the road so I didn't accidentally pass them. I
should have known better. As I get closer to the main intersection
in town I can see emergency vehicles and my heart jumped into
my throat. I zoomed across the intersection noting an ambulance, fire engine and police cars; little Kenny's truck and another huge truck and lots of glass all over the place. I drove into a nearby Eckerd's parking lot, told Lorie to keep still and ran to the middle of the intersection. As I was running I finally focused onto little Kenny's head in the bundle of people and realized he was upright and seemed okay. I got to my boy, did a quick frisk and pulled him into a major mom hug. Scared the total hoo-ha out of it, it did.
He'd been trying to keep up with big Kenny. They were all heading
He'd been trying to keep up with big Kenny. They were all heading
to Chick-fil-A for dinner and then to a ball park on the southside of town for the men's team game. Kenny was driving his truck so he could pick Lorie up from her acting class and help me out. That intersection was where his knowlege of where to go stopped so when big Kenny turned left, little Kenny just followed and ended up plowing into an F250. The other driver ended up being transported to the hospital to get checked out after he noted to a paramedic that his back was hurting. Little Kenny broke down a little when I got there, a little while he was telling me what happened and really had a hard time when they strapped the other driver into the backbrace.
I think he's got a better appreciation for airbags now, seeing that he walked away from his truck being totaled with just some airbag burns and his knee being scratched up a bit from where it hit something.
Adding insult to injury, the accident happened at a major intersection in town so not only did we have a church member suddenly appear beside us at the accident site, but people were calling, emailing and Facebooking comments AND his classmates at school would come by and say they saw it! Bless his heart!
I think he's got a better appreciation for airbags now, seeing that he walked away from his truck being totaled with just some airbag burns and his knee being scratched up a bit from where it hit something.
Adding insult to injury, the accident happened at a major intersection in town so not only did we have a church member suddenly appear beside us at the accident site, but people were calling, emailing and Facebooking comments AND his classmates at school would come by and say they saw it! Bless his heart!
Oh my.... how lucky we are that noone was hurt badly. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Hope everyone continues to be alright and no "whiplash" develops. As my Daddy said when I dented a fender (no where near what damage you all had) "As long as you are alright, we'll take care of the rest later." And, Tracy, you know Grandpa Hastings was always right.
oh boy. When I saw Big Ken's post on Facebook with the pictures my heart just went out to Kenny. Your comment about it being at an intersection and friends from church and school seeing and commenting just made me feel for him. That kind of thing is hard enough as it is, but to be a teen and it be so public...yipes.
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