Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pet peeve # 143

Okay so I really don't have that many pet peeves (well, at least I think I don't) but this one just irritates and totally grosses me out.

Ladies who have small male children, please listen up. If they aren't old enough to go to the bathroom in the men's room themselves and you bring them to the ladies' room. Please, please, PLEASE, clean up after them! Why should I have to clean up urine sprinkles all over the seat. And lest something claim that it's from women "hovering," the sprinkles are all on the back side of the seat. Women who hover back that far have bigger issues than leaving sprinkles.

BUT, speaking of hovering. If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweety, wipe the seatie. I thought that was basic human hygeine, kindness and common sense!


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