Thursday, June 6, 2013

Geek Squad

Seriously, talk to me and the last thing you'll think is "Geek Squad." I know just enough about computers to be dangerous AND irritating.

Our county school system is strapped for cash because property values in our county took a nosedive. They are making major changes including, but not limited to, removing all media clerks from all schools, making our Technology/Data Specialists share schools (and removing 10 of the 20 positions) and pulling the Intels (that's Instructional Technology Liaison to those of you not in the know) out of the schools to the county-level (but not a county-level paycheck...hmmmm!), removing 10 of the 20 positions and sending them to schools to work on an as needed thing. I actually got picked and was kind of thinking how nice that was. Then I found out that it was based on seniority with RCPS and had nothing to do with knowledge or personality. Now I know that I wouldn't have gotten chosen based on knowledge, but even though I can be quite a pain in the rump on a personal level, on a work level I'm the one to know. I get things done. I go above and beyond and I'm willing to do the stupid things (okay, so I may gripe about the really stupid 2 hr lunch duty, but I still do it).

But no. I have eight years with the county and that's more than at least 7 other people (3 people retired or switched positions at the end of the school year). What is sad is that some of those seven are really nice guys and know computers really well and would be a great addition to the Geek Squad.

The System Support Specialist that is over my school came by while I was working summer clerical hours and gave me the 411. She said that some people were accepted to the Geek Squad that they wouldn't have chosen. But then when I said that my principal was trying to figure out how to keep me, she said he couldn't have me. So maybe, MAYBE, she didn't mean me.

I'm kind of hoping that they can't find the hours to keep me here now. It would be nice to have the decision be taken out of my hands.

Crap. I make a sucky adult!

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