Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Dumb and Dumber

Okay, so I'm not proud of what I've done. I feel like an idiot, to be quite frank. I do not know what possessed me to do it but rest assured, I am paying the price to the MAX!

So let me give you a back story...and then another back story. Otherwise this will REALLY make me look like I need a brain scan...instead of just looking like a doofus.

Backstory 1...I have double-pierced ears plus a cartilage piercing in my left ear. I've been thinking for some time that I'd like to get a third level to the piercings but sitting in the middle of WalMart just isn't my style.

Backstory 2...Jo had her ear cartilage pierced a couple years ago. Unfortunately, a keylloid (spelling) developed and we had her remove the earring with the promise that she could get the other ear's cartilage pierced after sports were over. This actually didn't happen until about 3 weeks ago. She was happy, I was the benevolent momma. Then it got infected. We tried to clean it with hydrogen peroxide and swab it with triple antibiotic ointment, but, nope. I was red and inflamed and not happy. So Jo's on a 10-day power antibiotic and I have a piercing earring. That's where my demise began.

So here it is last Thursday. We leave the next morning to take Lorie to American University (sniff, sniff...but I digress). Kenny3 has driven the 2 hours from Point University to be at the house for Lorie's last night with the family (totally bawl moment...again, I digress). I don't know what got into me. I really don't. I wish I could go back and pinpoint what made me do it. I was talking with Kenny3 as  I cleaned out my purse and saw that piercing earring. While we had the conversation (NOT about ear piercing), I rinsed it off in hydrogen peroxide and then proceeded to jam it through my cartilage about halfway between my 2nd piercing in the lobe and my current cartilage piercing. Brilliant, right?! Wrong! Halfway to Washington, D.C. I knew I'd made a horrible mistake. I took the earring out and started picking the scabs that formed. (I know...I'm so embarrassed about typing that. Not exactly first aid 101). I suffered with it Friday and Saturday. Saturday night I raided my sister's first aid kit (sorry, Lori!) and grabbed the only thing I could find...some Neosporin spray. I spritzed my ear down Saturday night and all day Sunday, but I was miserable. Monday found me at the Walgreen's clinic with a raging ear infection. I was given the same antibiotic as Jo and a topical antibiotic cream.

Last night I barely got any sleep. For some reason (karma, much?) my body insisted that it wanted to sleep with that ear down. I tried to arrange myself so that my hand took the weight of my head...but no. Add to that indignity, somehow I got restless legs. I didn't get to sleep until 5 a.m. So here I am at work with about 30 minutes of sleep to my name and a load of work to do once I leave school.

And it's all my own fault. I know it. I feel like a major idiot. But I am fully paying the price for my idiocy. My ear is throbbing and looks a mess between the bright redness and the goopy coating of antibiotic.

Oh but the story gets better. When I was talking about it with Jo, she said that the ear didn't stop hurting until a week later. A WEEK?! Course then I realized that the child got her antibiotic Thursday night so she's only been taking it for 3.5 days (and then she says that she's missed two pills) so I'm hoping that tomorrow morning the day will dawn brighter and happier for me and Mr. Ear.

And I'm done with poking holes in my head. I'm 44...better act like it!

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