Okay, so a lady I know started using a product called Plexus Slim about 5 months ago. She is almost unrecognizable now. I had seen photos of her from high school and thought she had changed a lot. Now that she's lost some weight (and to be perfectly honest, I didn't think she ever looked overweight to begin with (although she said her doctor told her she needed to lose 15 lbs to get in her healthy weight range) but now? She looks just like an older version of her high school photo. So I thought I'd give it a month's try. AND since I'm the only one who reads my blog (I'm so freakin' popular), I'm going to be as blunt and as open as I wanna be. One of the perks of obscurity, I guess.
So I'm a week in. I'm going to guess at a couple of my numbers because I don't have them in front of me. Last Monday night I took a picture of myself in tight clothes from the front and side to document my before (and almost cried). Tuesday morning I weighed and measured. My weight was 181 lbs. I measured my chest (32 in), bust (37.5 in) waist (35 in) hips (45 in) and butt (47.5). This morning I weighed 178.4 lbs. My chest was the same, but was 37, so I lost a half inch there, darn it. I can't remember what the measurements were for the final three...guess I was traumatized by losing the breast fat. I was such a flat-chested thing until I had babies that Flatty here is going to not like losing breast inches even though I know that's stuff that goes. Would really prefer the saddlebags to go bye-bye instead but apparently I don't get to choose. When I get home I'll update. In fact, in the idea of DietGirl, I'll come back and edit in at the end of the blog and try to do that each week.
I am doing the one Accelerator pill and one Plexus Slim pink drink in the morning and taking two of the Priobotic at night (for the first week, I'll take one starting Friday). I didn't start taking the Priobiotic until Friday. My spit test (first thing in the morning, spit into a glass of room temperature filtered water. Wait 30 minutes and see if you have tentacles and how much it's spread out. Still in one glob on top? You are good. Tentacles and spreadage=yeast overgrowth. Lisa (my friend) had some information on her Facebook page about all the symptoms and stuff that yeast overgrowth does. I figured I'd give it a whirl.
The first day, I had an emotional weepy day. Not sure why and neither is Lisa. Could be that I was just emotional and it had nothing to do with PS. I tried taking two Accelerators on Friday because I hadn't slept well on Thursday and because Friday was going to be a long day, but I don't like the way it made me feel. Kinda like I'd had a drink, but not so much fun.
What I've noticed since being on PS a week: I have a bowel movement about 30 minutes after taking the Accelerator and PS in the morning. I am sleeping solid! (woo-hoo), I'm not energized as in Energizer Bunny, but in the aspect that I feel like I can actually get through my day. I'm not as drained at the end of the day. I hope that I see some significant shrinkage in the butt and waist area (and, please, please, please, in my saddlebags) and would love to drop a pant size by the end of the month. It wasn't cheap: $115 for the Accelerator and Pink Drink and another $39.95 for the Priobotic. If I continue, it really needs to work WELL.
9/17 (start) 9/24 10/1 10/8 10/15 (end) diff.
Weight 181.0 lbs 178.4 -2.6
Bust 37.5 in 37 -.5
Chest 32 in 32 0
Waist 34.25 33.5 -.75
Hips 44.5 43 -1.5
Butt 47 46.5 -.5
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