This...I stopped with the Plexus. I just seemed to be so tired and depressed all the time. And, frankly, I didn't like having to keep putting stuff in my body (even though they claim it's all-natural...cuz I've never seen that pink stuff or those pills in nature). So we're back to the drawing board and I guess I need to do what I know to do and adjust my eating habits and exercise, dangit. mammogram was wonky. I'm actually not sure what to think. Trying to remember exactly what the radiologist's office said is giving me headaches. I think she said that they couldn't read the right side and though they saw something. But I may be projecting. All I know for sure is that I have to go back in today and that I have to stay until they can give me the results. If its just that the first tech didn't take a good enough image, then I'm going to be fried about having to pay $192. But if it is how I remember-ish the conversation and he wants to double-check and get other views...then I'm okay. $192 is a small price to pay for piece of mind.
Other...dangit my mouth seems to have gotten me in trouble again. Here's the background. I decide to take the CM to a corn maze. But I know from past experience that we won't get a lot of response from just the CM level, so I open it up as a family event (and also so that I'm not trying to keep up with a bunch of kids dropped off on me, family event means adults need to come too). But somehow the teens see it as a teen even and I'm dumped with about 25 of them. Fast forward to being at the maze and a bunch of the adults are sitting the refreshment tent. It's pretty big. There have to be at least 100 people sitting or standing inside that tent. A woman approaches our table and asks if we are with the group of teenager to the side, and we are, and then proceeds to tell us that some of them had been throwing corn in the maze and one of them hit her husband and almost hit her and her kids and when called on it, the response was, "So?" Well, this is my trip. I'm the one that put it together and I'm on the church staff so you would think that the parents would defer to me but no. My friend bellows out one of the kid's names. The entire tent goes silent and looks our way as my friend continues to bark out orders. I decide the better part of valor is to get my husband and the elder that came with us. Now you would think that once the pastor got involved that my friend would back down and let him handle it, but no. Things are continuing to be ugly and loud so I look to my friend's sister to help get my friend out of there and I get a shrug. The elder shows up at the scene and we tell him what's going on and he just takes control of the situation by physically removing my friend. So fast forward a bit. The elder and my husband have the boys in question to the side and are discussing things. No idea where my friend is. The rest of us are talking about how scary that could have been when I call out my friend's sister for not helping us get my friend out of the way. Fast forward again to that evening. Everyone is back and all kids have been picked up and we are finally home. I see in my newsfeed a status posted by my friend's sister that reads, "when people are talking about a sibling they better make sure that their sibling isn't nearby." Then I get a text from another friend saying that my friend's sister is talking about ME! Then I see a status from my friend to her sister saying "thanks for having my back." Now I'm a little baffled here. I knew my friend's sister was in the group. I spoke to her about not helping with the situation. If I had gone into inappropriate conversation about her sister, isn't the grown-up thing to do to say to the person, you are talking about my sister and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop? Instead you go to your sister and talk about ME? Isn't that a little hypocritical? Cuz when other people talk about my friend, I defend her. THAT'S what having someone's back is about! I mean, I thought I left high school behind about 20+ years ago. I can't believe that I'm having to deal with high school behavior from 40+ year old women!
I don't have the time, inclination or the energy to deal with it, but deal with it I must.
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