Sunday, January 5, 2014

Saving Mr. Banks

Lorie, Jo, and I went to see "Saving Mr. Banks" this afternoon after church. It was also a mini-celebration because the church voted to keep me as the children's director. The past 6+ months I've been the Interim Children's Director and now? No "interim" to see here anymore, folks! I don't know what the actual numbers were...know it wasn't unanimous so there something to worry over. :) But, whew! What a load off! Now to get to some planning for the year, decisions about VBS, asking for help on a planning committee and prayer group, starting a group specifically for the 4th and 5th graders to prep them for the move to youth group! Yippee...

But back to "Saving Mr. Banks." I love Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson so that made this movie a "must see" but to show the background on how "Mary Poppins" went from book to movie? I couldn't wait to see it.

It pains to me to criticize the movie because it's Tom Hanks! Emma Thompson! MARY POPPINS!! But the first part was slow. Very s-l-o-w. Luckily for me, since it almost hurt that I wasn't enjoying the movie more, the last half hour was so beautiful. I sat in my chair and wept (which is hard to do sitting between Lorie and Jo. I've got to say that I'm impressed that they didn't do what they usually do when I'm moved by a movie and ask in a mocking tone, "Are you crying, Mom?!" which TOTALLY takes me out of the moment and messes it up for me).  I won't see it again and won't buy the video, but I'm very glad I got to see that last half hour...and I guess that half hour wouldn't have made much sense without the first part of the movie. I totally want to do some research on my own on P.L. Travers and, of course, watch "Mary Poppins."

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