Well, this is it! The last day of 2013. I can't put off making New Year's Resolutions much longer...tomorrow is January 1st!
Thinking about this last year, I'm a little discouraged. How have I grown as a person? As a wife? As a mom? As a woman? I did get out of my comfort zone and go back to school...which is something I've only thought about doing until this past August. But other than that, I just don't feel like I grew much, which is pretty sad. Over the past 364 days I've not changed much. Maybe instead of resolutions, I need to make goals for this year? Then when the inevitable happens and I slope backwards, I'll pick myself up and move forward again. Goals are very fluid, to me. Maybe not so rigid as "resolutions". Maybe I'm just kidding myself. But then I have such an issue with being a procrastinator and having a WHOLE YEAR to accomplish a goal seems like I could procrastinate a lot!
Some goals to consider: becoming more healthy. That includes how I eat and how I spend my time which means...a more active lifestyle. Yes, I'm rolling my eyes at myself. That also includes changing how I eat, how I clean, my whole outlook on life. Right now, comfort and ease is the key to my life. I do like to be comfortable and I don't like to have to work too hard. Geez, I sound like a teenager. Another goal I'd like to have is to work on my relationship with the Lord. That's a fluid thing. Sometimes I feel so close to Him and sometimes I feel like I'm just going through the motions, kinda a bad thing for someone on staff at church. Another goal I feel drawn to is being a better wife. Poor Ken. He puts up with so much from me. I'm not the best support or helpmate for him. Last, the kids. I'm really feeling the years passing and that there isn't much time left as Mom with a capital "M". They are preparing to start lives of their own where my opinion isn't that big a deal to them.
I'm sure there's more kicking around in my head and heart but those are the top things that pop in my head when I think of things I need to work on. Yes, temper, time management and my mouth are also top things...but I think those will all get worked on with the other goals I've mentioned.
2014...just seems so, well FUTURE-y.
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