Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ending the year

December 26th?! December 26th?! How did it get to be December 26th?! I guess when you've been sick for over a week, time begins to slip through your fingers. I am still coughing and froggy sounding. After the unfortunate incident at Burlington with my digestive system (which I will not enlighten you about...I'm that embarrassed about it), I stopped taking the Mucinex DM and the antibiotic. I also decided yesterday that something had to give and realized that I really think that the coughing is from all the snot my sinuses are making. I started taking Benadryl every four hours. It's probably time for me to take it now since I can feel the snot sliding down my throat as I type. Gross, I know.

We survived another Christmas and I've ended Christmas thinking the same thing I have the last 20-odd Christmases...I want to budget throughout the year and not wait until I get a Christmas budget the week before Christmas. I want to send Christmas cards! I want to have thoughtful, interesting presents. Hubby has said that he's creating a budget for 2014 and I hope we can stick to it. I've already got what I want to do for Sandra picked out and have an idea for Mom as well.

I guess it's also time to start working up the New Year's resolutions I won't be able to keep. Those I'm kicking around:
1. blogging more consistently
2. being more intentional about my friendships
3. figuring out the job situation
4. weight and health under control
5. spending more time with the girls and being more communicative with the college kids
6. being more communicative with Daddy and Mom. Hate that I let so many days go by without contacting them.
7. being more intentional with my spiritual life...maybe journaling would help.

Guess I need to firm those up...but I've got a couple days. Ha! I guess I should add something about working on my procrastination issues to the list!

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