That’s the background. Here’s where it gets gross. Over the
past couple of weeks we’ve had some birds bite it and land inside the fenced
area (one poor feathered friend landed on a chair!). Chewie will sniff at them,
but leave them alone. Lindy Sue, however, (let me pause for a shudder break)
likes to carry them around. So far we’ve had to rescue three from her. One I
got from her outside and I was able to use one of Ken’s planter bases to scoop
up the bird and chunk it outside the fencing. Two, unfortunately, made it
inside the house (shudder break).
Two weeks ago I was lying in bed reading when Lindy Sue came
walking in the room and then went behind the chair. I could tell she dropped
something and then she looked at me. A bad feeling gripped my tummy. I got up
and checked…it was a dead finch. Shrieks of “Ewww! Ewww! Ewwwww!” filled my
room and I called for the girls before reminding myself that I was the Mom so I
had to take care of it. Luckily, Meg had the iron stomach and got a paper towel
and took care of the finch (double shudder when I think that it was just a
paper towel between Meg’s hand and the bird).
Last night after church, the dogs were running in and out of
the house through the office door while Meg and I talked in the living room. Lindy Sue came FROM MY
BEDROOM (oh how that haunts me) with something in her mouth. Meg went still and
said, “She’s got a bird.” Which, embarrassingly, caused us both to start shrieking. Then
the dog jumped on my couch with this bird in her mouth. It was red. Not blood
red, but cardinal red. Oh my! She jumped on the back of the couch and dropped
the bird so it landed by our feet. So there Meg and I are, shrieking and dancing
from foot to foot. Now I don’t know what the difference is between a finch and
a cardinal but there obviously is one and we were reacting to that difference! The bird’s neck was twisted so it was lying on
the floor “looking” at me, which didn't help matters. “Meg, Meg, get a broom. Get a broom!” I’m shrieking
all the while dancing around and trying to keep the dogs from getting to the
bird. Meg comes out of the laundry room with a broom. Obviously she didn’t read
my mind and get the dustpan, too. “Meg, Meg! Get the dustpan! Get the dustpan!”
She runs back to the laundry room and comes back with broom and dustpan. I tell
her to keep the dogs away (which, by the way, she does NOT do) while I try to
sweep the cardinal onto the dustpan while dancing and shrieking and having
Chewie going crazy and attacking the broom. I finally get the job accomplished
and dance my way out the door, shrieking all the while, and then give the
dustpan a good flip and sling the bird out of the fence.
Now during all of this, Johanna was, well, we’ll say “otherwise
occupied.” However, while we’re trying to get the bird on the dustpan, she
comes running out to the living room trying to figure out what was going on.
After all was shrieked and done, she said that she thought that the house was
on fire and was a little irritated that we hadn’t come and gotten her. So off
she goes to complete her business. In the meantime, Meg and I have to relive
the grossness of it all and dance and shudder, shudder and dance all the while talking about what just happened. Ten minutes later, Kenny comes home and we get to
regale him with the story. (Sorry, had to take a shudder break again.) The
whole time we’re telling him the story, I’m still dancing foot to foot. Can you
believe that man brought up the unfortunate incident of the cat in the dryer
from my youth? (Long story short: growing up we had a cat that liked to jump in
the dryer. When you threw in wet clothes, he’d jump out. One day he didn’t and
I ended up with a load of dried clothes covered with inside out kitty. Not a
pretty story. Not one of my better days. But also not applicable in the case of
bird removal!!)
Okay, so I know it was just a bird. It’s not like I had to
deal with a dead person. But there was just something so creepy about the cardinal.
I kept waiting for him to “wake up” and come after me. I obviously watch way
too much T.V.! And THAT, is now what we will deem, "The Bird Story" for future generations.
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