Tuesday, February 4, 2014


It’s pretty sad, really. I’m a bit irritated with myself for mulling over it…and continuing to mull over it. I found out last night at the Leadership Meeting that six people voted “no” on whether I should be the children’s director.  I wish they’d add a comment area on the vote paper. I’d like to know whether those six people really felt that I wasn’t qualified or gifted for the job or if they just didn’t like me. OR if they didn’t want to vote for me because of my last name.

Don’t get me wrong. I know I can rub people the right way but there were no other options. No one else put in a resume. They had one person who went to someone on leadership and said they’d like the job, but after being told to please submit a resume, they didn’t. There were two resumes submitted from when we advertised for the job before the former children’s director was hired, but neither of those people even visited the church after submitting their resume, not to mention neither of them had worked in a children’s ministry before much less led one.

Okay, so maybe I’m not everyone’s cup of tea. Maybe I’m not everyone’s dream children’s director. But there was no one else! So how in the world could you vote no? And, and, AND, if you had such reservations about me being the children’s director why did you not address leadership in the 7 months of my interim-ship (is that even a word?). If I’m such a bad choice, wouldn’t you want to discuss it with the leadership?

I guess I’m just really over the whole passive-aggressive crap.
I’ve just got to remember where MY focus should be and it’s not on the six people who voted no

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