Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer days...

Geez...where did July go? This blogging thing is harder than it looks. I'm back at work, the girls are at Band Camp, Kenny3 & Lorie have less than 3 weeks left at home and they'll both be at college and we've still not heard from Day. I'm concerned about Kenny, Lorie and Jo. They are having such a hard time dealing with not only the total abandonment but also the accusations that we are bad people because we loved her and welcomed her into our family.

I'm having a hard time organizing myself with working with school, working at church, the dogs, and the house. It's hard not to slip into a poor me attitude. Hopefully once school starts and we can get into a routine, I can get into a routine, too.

The weight's still creeping up and I'm not finding time to exercise.

Oh, and I'm still a whiney-butt.

Today I didn't schedule myself to work because I have a dental apt this afternoon. My plan was to help out at Band Camp, do some housework, do some organization with CM and start working on my lesson for tomorrow. Somehow, I've lost a couple registration forms, I can't focus on the lesson, I can't figure out how to organize myself so I can get some housework done. Wish I liked housework even an eensy bit.

And I'm not really psyched about this dental appointment. Boo.