Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Yes, I had blonde hair

Found this in my Draft folder. Wonder why I didn't publish it...Hmm....

Yesterday I scanned in and uploaded to Facebook several old photos of myself. Some of my kids were taken aback that I had blonde hair. I know we'd had conversations before where I'd said that I'd had blonde hair as a child, but I guess seeing is believing or they didn't think when I said "blonde" that I meant "blonde". There were times when Lori and I were almost white-blonde! Daughter Lorie kept saying that, "you were really, really blonde, Mom." Um, yeah! I told you!

Luckily my sister Lori has an excellent sense of humor since most of those pictures included her. Paybacks can be interesting, and Lori has one of those brains that go "where no man has gone before" so I'm not ruling out getting on Facebook in the future to be confronted with something.

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