Friday, February 21, 2014

I need gas!

As I drove into school the other day, the fuel gauge made a “ding” noise and I got a message that Fuel was low. Good thing the car tells me when I need to make a stop at a gas station because I rarely look at the fuel gauge.  I mean, I know I should check it when I start the car every time I use it. That’s what they taught us in Driver’s Education. But the truth is, I rarely do. I’ve had the experience of driving until the car didn’t even have fumes left and there I was, stuck on the side of the road having to call someone for help.

It made me think…wouldn’t it be great if our spiritual fuel gauge would ding at us? We all know what we are supposed to do to keep our spiritual gas tanks full but sometimes, a lot of times, we just don’t do it and ride along on God’s good graces. Usually, we drive along in our lives until even the fumes wear out. We come to a screeching halt and either sit around griping about how awful life is or ask for help.

I know I need to make sure to take frequent breaks for time in the Word and time in prayer. It doesn’t mean bad things don’t happen. But I’m so much better equipped to handle the not-so-hot moments if I’ve made sure to keep my spiritual fuel tank full.

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