Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Crab cakes

I'm constantly amazed at just how much I can complain about...and then amazed at my amazement. I've always been a glass-half-empty kind of a gal so it's not like this attitude is new to me.

Yesterday afternoon I finished up the yearbook and showed it to one of my colleagues. I was positively giddy. I teased my child, answered the phone with a grin on my face and a lilt in my voice and generally found life appealing. That lasted for about 2 hours. Then real life kicked in. I guess it takes too many endorphins to be happy. I was so exhausted after that bout with happiness...

But now that I'm feeling "Mood Forecast is Crabby with an 80% Chance of I Don't Like You", I kind of wish I could get that happy feeling back. It used to be part of my life with some frequency. I wonder how to get that back. I think a nap would help tremendously.

1 comment:

lbhaney said...

The thing you leave out here is that even when you are in the glass half empty mood you still work hard to laugh about it and make others laugh with you....so even half empty you are pretty darned cool!

Love ya!