Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Poop, friends, maturity...pretty much a Rant-fest!

If you didn’t know it, I’m here to tell you, your poop doesn’t smell like roses. No one’s does. And when you do “take care of business”, it’s kind of appropriate to flush and, hopefully, spray some air freshener or open a window. When you don’t flush or when you don’t spray air freshener then a whole bunch of other people get to deal with your crap. And that ain’t right. Just sayin’. When you’ve done stunk up a place, that’s when you need your friends. (And, case you don’t speak Tracy, while it applies literally, the “poop” I’m referring to is when you screw up.)

Now, let’s get something straight. A friend isn’t someone who tells you that your poop don’t stink. A real friend is someone who reminds you to flush and suggests that some Lysol would cover over a multitude of sins. (And a best friend goes and gets the Lysol for you!) There are way too many people who think that if someone holds you accountable for your slip-ups, that they aren’t a “real” friend. Honey, I’m here to tell you, we got enough people willing to blow smoke up your butt about your dumb decisions. A real friend? Tells you when you are about to do something stupid (or that you DID do something stupid), loves you just the same and then supports you as you dig yourself out of the hole you dug for yourself. Just sayin'. They DON’T tell you that what you did smells like roses. I see too many people standing around in stinkiness pretending it smells GREAT and talking about how everyone else is mean.

If you want someone who is only going to tell you how wonderful you are, how funny you are, how everyone else just doesn’t “understand you”, how everything you do and say is fine and everyone else should just “get over it”…well, that’s not a friend. That’s a fan. And you’ll be headed to hell in a handbasket with your fan club. And they’ll probably still be telling you what an awesome person you are. Just sayin.'

Good heavens. Do I like it when someone comes and tells me that I screwed up? Heck, no!  But I’d rather learn from my mistakes and actually, ya know, GROW so I don’t end up as a 45-50-60-70 year old woman with an 11-year old maturity level! Just sayin'.

Sure there are people who love nothing more than to tear you down just because it makes them feel good. But remember that there are also people who think that you are an actual adult and willing to take responsibility for your actions. So, maybe when you are hearing people talk negatively something you do or say, instead of gathering up your fans (remember, they AIN’T your friends!) and letting them smooth over your ruffled feathers, find some real friends, people that can stand up to your annoyance with them when they tell you that you’ve gotten off kilter. If THEY say there’s nothing there…let it go. But if they say, “yep, you screwed up” or “I’ve noticed you have a problem with this”, then it’s time for a little reflection, prayer, and time in the Word while you let God grow you up a bit.

Listen, if the only mistakes you own up to are the ones that YOU acknowledge, you are probably missing 90% of the crap you are throwing out at people. Just sayin'.

I’m not a teenager so surrounding myself with people who make my ego feel good is pretty stupid. (And seeing so many other adults who only surround themselves with fans...it's confirmed that it is VERY stupid.) I want friends who make me laugh, who I can talk to about the good, the bad, and the ugly, and who will keep me pointed to Him by letting me know when I’ve gotten off track. In other words, I need to know that when my poop stinks…someone who's gonna point it out AND expect me to do something about it. If you don’t have anyone in your life that holds you accountable for the stinky stuff you do and say, you need to get some. You need to take a good hard look at who you are surrounding yourself with and realize that you aren’t doing yourself any favors by keeping your fans entertained with your antics.

Just sayin’…

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