Monday, August 18, 2014

Daniel Plan, part deux-days 6 & 7

These weekends are gonna kill me. I don’t know why it’s harder to stay on track at home than it is when I’m at work. I have a refrigerator full of good things to eat…but I didn’t feel like dealing with it. Maybe that’s it. On work days I make a smoothie and take it with me to drink on the ride. I also make lunch and that’s my only choice. At home I have all sorts of options but in order to eat them, I have to do something. Guess that makes me a lazy thingamajig.

Saturday I dropped to 181.8, which meant 3 lbs gone, so that started my day off well. I had so much to do to get ready for this weekend. I had the VBS follow-up movie and the Band Potluck on Saturday afternoon and evening and SKC/nursery meeting on Sunday to prep for. And what did I do Saturday morning? I lolled around in bed! Which made the rest of the weekend go pretty irritatingly. Nothing fell apart because previous planning held, which meant that I didn’t look all whackado. But still. It annoys me that I didn’t work on the things that I’d planned to work on.

The VBS follow-up movie was disappointing. Only three kids showed up and since we watched it in the fellowship hall, since I thought there would be more participating, the movie was too dark for that big room and the sound quality was really yucky. But I appreciated the parents of the kids that showed up for taking time on their Saturday to bring their kids and I had a couple volunteers who showed up and that meant a lot to me.

The Band Potluck was pretty good, I guess. I volunteered to help with the merchandise and ended up not eating…but that’s okay. I’m not sure what I could have ate. My favorite part of the night is when the kids take the field. This year they did something different. They encouraged the parents to come down to the field and take their kids’ places. We learned the responses to some of the different commands. Kenny took Jo’s place and she showed him how to stand and do flute stuff. I stood with Meg by her podium and learned a couple directing motions. (Wow! That is HARD!!!) The guard parents were my favorite because they some of them had to contort their bodies in to ways I don’t think they’d planned to EVER get into! But I think it gave the parents a new appreciation of a little of what their kids go through AND it gave a lot of amusement to the kids, the instructors and to the parents who didn’t choose participate.

Sunday I got to be in a Sunday school class. My soul is so happy. Jo joined me. We are doing Beth Moore’s study on 1 & 2 Thessalonians. SKC was pretty fun. 9 kids came. We looked into the battle of Jericho and what lessons we could learn from it. The nursery meeting was a bit of a bust because Brad had to skip in order to look in on his parents and Joyce had plans to eat out for lunch. Since we were just going to go over a sample nursery handbook and talk about changes and additions for our church, I just gave Joyce a copy and Kim a copy to give to Brad and we’ll chat about it some other time.

We went out to eat but it was a buffet, which when I’m eating regularly I don’t eat enough to make it worthwhile, but on the Daniel Plan was kind of silly. We paid $11 for me to have some salad, a hard-boiled egg, and apple and baked chicken.  

I don’t think I ate dinner Sunday night. I took a Sunday nap and just couldn’t get it together!

I’m still really, really tired. I’m just not getting sound sleep. I guess I need to work on scrubbing my bathtub so I can take a soak at the end of the day and see if that helps.


Saturday: peanut butter/banana smoothie, raw cashews and apple for lunch, no dinner

Sunday: no breakfast, baked chicken, apple, salad, hard-boiled egg for lunch, leftover walnut/basil pesto chicken and green beans.


Starting weight: 184.8

Day 2 weight: 184.4

Day 3 weight: 184.2

Day 4 weight: 184.0

Day 5 weight: 183.8

Day 6 weight: 181.8

Day 7 weight: 181.2

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