Thursday, August 22, 2013


From an email I wrote to a friend:
Okay, just so you know. I consider ourselves to be close enough that if you see that I have something in my teeth, or my fly is down or there's a booger hanging out of my nose...that you would tell me. Okay?! What leads me to this soul-baring revelation?
(Sorry if this gets gross.) This morning when I getting ready for the day and was cleaning my ear I noticed some goop coming from the back of my ear. Up until then, there had only been a little puss coming from the front. I cleaned it up, put the antibiotic cream on it and went on my merry little way.
So just a couple minutes ago I had this "thunk" and went to the bathroom and wet down some Kleenex and held it to the back of my ear and sure enough I saw a little goop so I did the best I could at cleaning it up with cold water and Kleenex.
Now I'm not a big "take pictures of myself in the bathroom" kind of gal so when the thought to use my phone to take a picture of the back of my ear came to me, I decided that Someone upstairs was trying to tell me something. Oh. My. Word. Thank the Lord He did. The entire back of my ear was packed with a greenish-yellow crust. I hightailed it to the main building where they have hot water in the bathrooms and did a hot compress and cleaned off the back of my ear and will probably now check my ear periodically (Anal Girl here probably do it every 10 min) to make sure there is no build up.
So as I'm giggling and grossing myself out, I realize that the back of my ear probably looked nasty last night, too.
Hence this email. You have my permission to let me know when there's something whack-a-doodle including, but not limited to, crusty ears, boogers, bad breath, something in my hair,etc. without worrying about embarrassing or offending me. Okay?! Cuz that's how much I love you and trust you!
So, I was right. I am checking my ear about every 10 minutes. It involved using my phone to try to take pictures. I am so grossed out. There is a crusty scab in the middle of my ear that is green....GREEN! B-O-O-G-E-R Green! There is no hot water in this stupid pod where my office is located so if I want to do a hot compress to loosen the booger green scab on the back of my ear, I have to traipse up the hill PAST PEOPLE, including little kids who like to point out that you have a booger green scab behind your ear, to the main building's adult bathroom. It located, unfortunately, by the front office so one can only go in there so many times before they start giving you the wonky eye.
I still can't believe I poke a freakin' hole in my own ear. But...on the plus side, I may be able to sleep on that side tonight. It's tender, but it ain't screaming at me anymore!

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