Thursday, August 22, 2013

TV and me

Crap. Crap. And, again, I say CRAP!!!

So, I'll confess. I am a TV-aholoic. I am mesmerized that the boob tube. I can spend an entire day in complete bliss with an "a-thon" of one of my favorite mind-numbing shows (Project Runway, America's Next Top Model, Ink Master, House Hunters, oh...the list goes on and on). Add in the pantry being full so I can indulge in any food delight I am craving and I get giddy.

So I'm doing this online Bible study based on the book, "What Happens When Women Say Yes to God." and I'm pretty much stinking at the online part of it. They post things and you are supposed to comment on them to get the most out of the experience. I just didn't anticipate how busy my life would be right now. So I'm putzing along at my own pace.

I'm in chapter 3 (or is it 4?) and the author talks about how she went on a TV-free sabbatical for a time period. And this girl? Said, well, that's good for her but not for me. Now she wasn't advocating giving up TV or saying TV was bad. She was using it as a personal example of something that got in the way of her relationship with God.

This morning I'm in the car on the way to work praying for my day and the people on my prayer list when it hits me. Give up the TV, T. I said the words out loud, I will not turn on the TV (but if someone comes in the room and turns it on or we are doing a family thing, I won't be Debbie Downer). I have gotten into a horrible habit of coming home and turning the thing on and then the to-do list goes out the door. There's always the accompiament of the tube in the background of everything I do at home.

And I'm still cringing. Because I knew that I would back down and punk out on my promise. So I thought I'd put it in writing. Even though no one reads this. But still, it's in writing. I'm going to not turn on the TV until Thanksgiving or until the Lord releases me from this. We'll see how I do. I'm at work where I don't even watch TV but I'm in a bit of a mourning period already.

I'm such a dork.

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