Sunday, August 4, 2013

Foot in Mouth and Doofy Brain

Today was Homecoming Sunday. I wasn't in the children's ministry room and worried so much about that. I feel like I should have been there. Plus my mouth and worries kept getting in the way.

Started out the whole foot in mouth thing when my mil comes down to the front while we are practicing and tells us that everything is very slow and there is no excitement. I blurbled that we could either have excitement during practice or excitement during worship. Jeez! I mean, I see her side of things. I do. I've been to all the same seminars she went to 15 years ago at Willow Creek and I know what they said to here. But then I've also had the opportunity that she's never had and that is to attend a larger church and see how it's really done in practice, not just info given in a seminar. Here's the dealio...we are a small church. We only have so many musicians. We are all doing more than one thing at church so there is no time for a musical rehearsal to go over notes and other details AND have a dress rehearsal so we meet Sunday morning. We really can either give her the fakey fake excitement she seems to want so that we are like what she thinks big churches are like or she can let us bang out notes, take things a little slower so that everyone knows their parts (especially with a couple of us not having been on the stage recently) and do what we need to do to prepare so that when worship time comes, we can let go and worship! But still, she didn't deserve me snarking on her.

Kept up the stupidity telling a little girl who was running down the hall with a biscuit that the kids shouldn't be eating in the Sunday school room and then came around the corner and saw that the teacher had ALL the kids eating. Apparently that's been done for years. So I let the little ones bring their food in and, sure enough, there were crumbs all over. Plus, I noticed that someone gave the girls orange SODA to drink.'s breakfast time, SODA? For a 3 and 5 year old? That isn't YOURS?!'s ORANGE! They are 3 and 5. That means they spill. On the carpet. I swear, doesn't anyone think anymore?

Then I didn't say hi to anyone because I was freaking out over the adult in the elementary room not showing up. I didn't say hi. My big thing with this time doing the children's ministry that it was going to be able relationships. And I didn't even say hi.

Finally, after praise time was over and we are getting ready for the sermon, I feel like I need to go around and check the different children's ministry areas to make sure all is going well. I get down to the nursery and the first thing that greets me is a room that looks like it threw up toys. There are 3 adult helpers (one of the deacons stayed to lend a hand), the teen helper and a 3rd grader. I notice the 3rd grader due to the fact that he's stomping around on the toys and then sits on a rocky horse and starts bouncing around. This is his mom's first week in the nursery and for some reason she's decided that it's okay for an 8-year old to be in a nursery that's already packed to the gills with people who are supposed to be in there, babies, toddlers, and toys. I tell her that I'd be glad to take her child to his class since he's not supposed to be in the nursery. Okay, so not most tactful. But then the other helper and the deacon both say that he's a helper! Um, were part of the pow-wow about nursery helpers needing to be at least 13 years old and approved by the leadership. Ugh! I did go and speak to the mom after but I couldn't get the situation out of my head during the sermon. Hate that!

So now I'm starting an online Bible study called, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God. I feel like going with the children's ministry was me saying yes. I really am worried about leading this ministry. I got burnt last time. Now I'm getting paid and I feel like there's so much more pressure. I guess I need to pray that God will put a hand over my mouth as well as giving me the strength and leadership I need to lead this ministry.

Oh my.

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