Friday, November 15, 2013

Warning: Brain Fart!

Ask me how I’m doing. Go ahead, ask! Well, since you’ve asked, I’ll tell you. I’m in the middle of a morning-long brain fart. I’ll give you an example of how my brain’s working/not-working today. Check out the photo below.  
I was going through the laptop checkout sheets and matching them with an Excel spreadsheet of who had what computers to make sure that both lists were the same (there was a burble in the system and some teachers didn’t get the machine they were assigned). I’d started checking them about a month ago and vaguely remembered making a mark on the sheets I’d checked but I couldn’t find my mark. I did, however,  wonder what in the world the “28” that was penciled in by the machine’s serial number meant. So I started the project over. I got about 10 sheets in when I realized that the “28” was actually my “TS” mark! Yep, I’d penciled that in and didn’t even recognize my own handwriting!


And THAT just about sums up how I’m doing today! J


Anonymous said...

Hey Tracy. Tell me what you do for the school re: computers. Things are done very differently in the states, than in Canada, so I'm curious. Are you an employee of the school district, of the school, or a volunteer? Thanks!

Tracy said...

Thanks for stopping by! I am employed by the county. In the past, each school has had a tech person (that would be me) to handle the hardware and what they call an Instructional Technology/Data Specialist, which is a certified teacher who would take care of the software end of things, such as training the teachers how to use the different software and data elements. This year, because of budget cuts, they pulled the tech people out of the school-level up to county-level, reduced them by half, and assigned us to two schools each. I go to one location on MWF and one on TTh. I take care of first-level helpdesk requests, inventory, updates, and pretty much anything that has to do with keeping the hardware up and running (although I do install software, I don't train)