Wednesday, March 27, 2013

To be healthy or not to be...

Okay, so I have managed to gain back all 20 lbs I lost last year…and then some. So I tell myself that I’m going to buckle down and get back on the Get Healthy Bandwagon over Spring Break, which is next week. Then I realized how waiting until last week is just so very silly. Why can’t I start now? So I bring my little Lean Cuisine meal with me to work and I healthily eat that with my Diet Dr. Pepper (getting off caffeine is on the to-do list, but not a top priority). Then I realize that I’m still a wee bit hungry so what do I do? I go to the snack machine and grab not only a bag of Chex Mix but a Snicker bar and chow down!
Seriously?! I’m my own worst enemy!!

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