Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday, monday

Well, the alarm clock won again. But not without me sticking my tongue out and reminding it that next week is Winter Break and I get to sleep in! Today was one of those weird kind of days. The bookkeeper had a meeting at county office and was gone most of the morning. The principal was in meetings almost the whole day. The lady that will be secretary came up and worked with me for about 45 minutes. I didn't get to work with the lady who will train me, but I really wasn't in the mood anyhow, to be honest. I'm so tired these day. I'm trying to up my water and make sure that I take a vitamin everyday, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to start actually start exercising.

1 comment:

KathyBell said...

Heaven forbid.... the dread exercise word... More power to you Love MOM