Sunday, February 1, 2009

Job woes

As with everything, the economy is hitting education. It always occurs to me when these things happen that maybe someone should take a look at the salaries and perks of those at the highest levels and do some reducing there, but those that make those kinds of decisions are the ones whose salaries and perks would be touched, so that doesn't happen. Instead it's up to the peons at the lower levels to take the brunt of it all.

Here in Rockdale County, the School Board just revealed each school's points and the Title I money for the next year. And, indeed, there are teachers and parapros who will not have jobs at their current school so there are transfer requests flying all over the county to the few schools who will be adding teachers. At our school not only are we adding 3 teachers, but the principal was able to crunch the numbers so that all of our parapros will have a job next year, but they have to take one hour less a day. I'm being moved from my secretarial position to the INTEL position. It's a $7000 a year cut, plus I'm a little upset about how the job change not only because it wasn't my choice, but that how it might be perceived by the staff. After all, perception is everything. I'm going from a job that has my thumb on the pulse of the school and access to pretty much everything with the trust and responsibility that goes along with it to a position where I troubleshoot computers. Ask me how much I know about computers.  That's about how much. Hmmmmm...

Can you tell I'm a little frosted about the whole thing? It makes me want to curl up in bed and eat Pringles (that's not a random thought, it's actually how I spent my Friday evening.). I used to look forward to going to school on Mondays and now? I can believe I have to go to school on Monday...


lbhaney said...

Oh Tracy - that stinks...really bites the big one. I'll pray that something comes up between now and then that shifts things in your favor. Hugs.

Annie said...

Kind of makes my gripe about the fact that my company is saying no raises this year, and probably no bonuses either, a little petty.

Too bad you can't start announcing to the parents and teachers that DO like you in that position, that you won't be there much longer....(thinking sit-in protest and "We Want Tracy" signs) but I'd bet that would be considered whining.

I'm sorry this is happening.....I really thought that the principle would have seen the error of such thoughts and gone on to other things. I'm with Lori though..maybe something else will come up.

Lots of hugs and prayers!

KathyBell said...

I ditto everything your sisters have said and want to know how much your union dues are. I'll pay them for you... Not that they can probably help much in this case but....

I'll give you odds that the new person will be crying in a week. You could always handle three things at once and do them all well. Not everyone is so blest. Laura will be asking you back in a month...

Tracy said...

sniff... Thanks guys. I've had a few meltdowns at home and am really having a time battling for a stiff upper lip. Kenny wants me to go to the school system's Employment Manager and see if I have any recourse since my position isn't being eliminated,I'm not being fired and I didn't ask for the demotion.

Who knows?

I'm on my way to a jewelry training. They always perk me up because everyone's so darn perky and excited to be there.